Many people may not be aware of the  changes to the Victorian Building Regulations 2017 to be shortly enacted. The Waterproofing industry has one specific area of change which will have impact.

The Building Act 1993 remains, however the current Building Regulation 2006 is to sunset, replaced by the proposed Building Regulations 2017

Changes in the 2017 Regulations which affect the waterproofing industry relate to:

Part 13 – Inspections notices and orders; Division 1 – Inspections and Directions; 169 Prescribed mandatory notification stages for construction or alteration of building;

“(e) prior to covering a waterproofing membrane in any wet areas”

NB: for the first time a building inspector or surveyor must add this inspection.

Other areas which affect waterproofing within the Regulations remain consistent, namely;

Part 2 – Building Code of Australia
The Regulations referring to the adoption of NCC and relevant Australian Standard

Part 9 – Building Work
Division 1 – Methods of assessment of compliance
Covering material testing, compliance certificates etc.

NB: The VBA have confirmed that only a registered Building Practitioner can authorise compliance of waterproofing works. A sub-contractor who is not a Registered Building Practitioner cannot authorise compliance. Any statement from the sub-contractor may state an opinion that a Standard under the NCC has been met, however the liability is primarily with the Registered Builder (now shared with the building inspector or surveyor for wet areas).

Follow link for a copy of proposed regulations